Mutineer Black Spot by Relativity Playing Cards


  • Printed by the United States Playing Card Company
  • Premium Casino stock, linen finish
  • Traditional cut
  • Cards arranged in Mnemonica stack.

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Mutineer: Black Spot Playing Cards are an unconventional, walrus-and-carpenter-esque look at piracy with an unhealthy helping of dehydration hallucination AND an extra spoonful of terror, as the crew is now handing out the BLACK SPOT!

Black Spot is a second deck in the Mutineer line, with a completely black back. The faces are the same as standard Mutineer decks except for a major change: each card has a unique “black spot.” But not just a spot-this is madness, after all! Each and every card is plastered over with all kinds of ink blots, graffiti, ephemera, kitsch… a glimpse into the terror-fueled visions seen by a delirious pirate who’s just been given a death sentence. Comes in a completely black premium matte tuck with a custom seal.