Tarocco Genovese by Elettra Deganello


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The Tarocco Genovese is a 79-card bridge-sized deck, including 21 trumps, 16 court cards, and 40 numerical cards, plus a Fool and an Invexendon, tribute to an unnumbered trump mentioned by Sir Michael Dummett in his list of Unresolved Problems Concerning Tarot and Italian Cards. The set also includes a companion booklet written by Jean Maillard, who co-created the project.

Compared to the Genoese Tarot released in 2022, this edition introduces several innovations, among which are new suits, all four illustrated aces, and more. The updated colour palette immediately stands out, inspired by an 1830 Tarot de Marseille printed by the Recchi brothers in Oneglia, a town in Liguria (now part of Imperia).

The card backs echo the design of the Ace of Hearts, with the iconic red cross of St George at the centre.

Published and printed in Italy by Dal Negro, this deck features gold accents on both faces and backs. The packaging, crafted by Boschiero & Newton, is made from high-quality cotton paper using letterpress and foil techniques.

Please note that while the cards are cello-wrapped, the tuck box is not.