ONDA V2 (Black and Gold) Playing Cards by Jocu


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We ship all our decks in one of our free plastic deck protectors for their safety and your peace of mind!

Orders of 4, 6 or 10 decks will be shipped extra protected, in a Cardware Collector Storage Box for free!


In 2021 ONDA became our most successful playing cards project on Kickstarter. Exploring the fantastical inhabitants of a hidden, undersea world, ONDA was widely loved for its vivid, unique artwork by artist Alessandra Gagliano and the wonderful words of Ilaria Orrù who wrote the accompanying story, tying dozens of real-world sea-creatures to the characteristics of the curious protagonists.

Now ONDA returns with a host of new characters, forming the perfect partnership with the original series. With brand-new artwork carefully designed to complement all the strengths of the original series, ONDA V2 will expand the range with new courts, new vivid colors and all the same high quality you’ve come to expect from ONDA and all Jocu Playing Cards decks.