Minichaos Eos Playing Cards by Giovanni Meroni/TWI


  • Custom box, courts, pips and Aces
  • Inspired by the Sci-Fi Novels of the 50/60s
  • Printed by USPCC
  • Bicycle stock
  • 4 different “retro-ads” Jokers
  • 2500 units made

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We ship all our decks in one of our free plastic deck protectors for their safety and your peace of mind!

Orders of 4, 6 or 10 decks will be shipped extra protected, in a Cardware Collector Storage Box for free!


“Just One Rule: Don’t try to control chaos-even when it’s small.”

Minichaos Eos is the mini version of the Chaos series by Thirdway Industries. The court cards feature popular mythological monsters, including fish-men, sirens, dragons, and other wild creatures. Whimsical, crazy, and cute in its own way.

Mini deck (44mm x 63mm)
Box with Italian “reef” matte paper and 2 layers of foil
Metallic ink on cards!
Full-length characters
Optimized for mini size! courts, pips and aces are redesigned
Limited to 1,000 decks
Printed by WJPCC