Low Poly Sharks Playing Cards by Unrivaled Decks


Printed by the United States Playing Card Company (USPCC)
Made on Premium stock with air cushion finish
One time print run of 1000 decks
Completely custom design
56 cards: 52 poker cards, 2 jokers, and 2 custom art cards
Our first deck ever!

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We ship all our decks in one of our free plastic deck protectors for their safety and your peace of mind!

Orders of 4, 6 or 10 decks will be shipped extra protected, in a Cardware Collector Storage Box for free!


Sharks, one of the most famous marine animals to date, are feared and respected by aquatic life and humans alike. Their amazing and intimidating figure is recognized worldwide as the epitome of villainous underwater predators. However, we at Unrivaled Decks saw past the terrifying stigma surrounding sharks and instead see them as the beautiful and powerful sea creatures that they really are. Inspired by the shark’s majesty, our deck’s theme focuses on imitating the greatness of sharks, showcasing the three most iconic sharks in the world: the hammerhead, the mako, and the great white. As artists and cardists, we felt it fitting to design an original deck stylized around our vision of sharks in completely custom, low-poly beauty. As such, we wanted to create a deck suitable for all purposes that aims to replace preconceived notions of the scary, predatory beast depicted by pop culture with the shark’s sublime beauty.

And so, Unrivaled Decks proudly presents our debuting  Low-Poly Sharks Deck. Designed for magicians, cardists, and collectors alike, Low-Poly Sharks pay homage to the beauty and majesty of sharks while providing you a colorful deck of cards that is great for any situation.

Standard poker size cards with standard size pips and indices
Low-poly themed aesthetic
2 way back design
Broken borders designed for cardistry
Custom tuck case
Custom pips and indices
Custom Ace of Spades
Customized Court Cards
Two Custom Jokers
Two Custom Art Cards