Lighthouse Beacon Playing Cards by Emilysleights52


  • Two-way back design
  • Broken border (great for fans)
  • Custom Ace of Spades
  • Two identical jokers
  • An additional joker with a reveal (perfect for tricks)
  • All red pips are changed to a deeper, classy red
  • Double back included
  • All courts are custom and represent lighthouse keepers
  • The background of the courts resemble a topographical map

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Beacon Playing Cards is based off of the theme of “finding light in the darkness”. I felt that the definition of what a beacon is perfectly fits this deck and the positive message I want to portray. On the tuck it states, “Be the light.” I enjoy the hope of being the light during someone’s dark times.

Manufactured by USPCC, Lighthouse: Beacon is printed on their classic Bicycle stock with air cushion finish.