Kalevala Playing Cards by Sunish Chabba


  • 100% custom and hand-drawn artwork
  • Premium Stock (Bee Casino Grade stock which is the highest quality card stock available @ USPCC)
  • Embossed linen air cushion finish
  • Poker Size (3.5″ X 2.5″)
  • 52 Cards + 2 Jokers + 1 extra card (with names of characters on court cards)
  • Custom tuck case with hand-drawn artwork
  • Made in USA by the United States Playing Card Company (USPCC)
  • 2018 Release

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Orders of 4, 6 or 10 decks will be shipped extra protected, in a Cardware Collector Storage Box for free!


My name is Sunish Chabba, and I, along with my friend & illustrator, Ishan Trivedi, welcome you to the world of the Kalevala.  The Kalevala Playing Cards is a 100% hand-drawn, custom deck & is based on the 19th Century epic poem of Finland & Karelia, Kalevala, compiled by Elias Lönnrot.  J.R.R.Tolkein used the Kalevala as a model when he created the Silmarillion mythology for The Lord of the Rings.  The Kalevala Playing Cards depict the heroes and villains of the Kalevala. The Kalevala Playing Cards tells the tale of a number of characters as depicted in the court cards of this deck.