My Turn Mixtape Vol 1 (Hype) 2016 Cardistry-Con by Michael Stern


‘-Printed by USPC

-Stock: Premium crushed bee stock, air cushion finish

-Additional cards: Two art Cards, two identical jokers

-Print run: Limited

-Court cards: Standard Courts, Standard faces

-Stack: New deck order

-One way back design

In stock

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The first edition of Hype playing cards – My Turn Mixtape, Vol. 1 – is a debut deck of Michael “My Turn” Stern, irreplaceable host of Cardistry-Con events. Michael is renowned for his quirky sense of humor and unmatched charisma.

For these cards, placed in a ‘gold’ box, he neatly combined designs of 4 the most desired decks of 2016: Stripe, Cardistry-Con 2016, Virts SS16, and Fontaine. Hype! Looks flashy, surreal and avant-garde. If for any reason you weren’t able to buy any of these four rare decks, My Turn Mixtape, Vol. 1 could solve all problems at once! These cards were printed by the USPCC using special crushed stock.