Hydrogen V2 (Deuterium Isotope) by Elemental Playing Cards


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As with every Elemental Playing Card deck, there are loads of scientific meanings found throughout the deck. Some are obvious, others not so much, The back design uses some of the same design elements as the v1, such as a pattern of H’s, but instead of a vertical/horizontal pattern, it uses a repeating 2H (the symbol for deuterium) in a diagonal pattern. The atomic drawing for hydrogen now includes one neutron to represent the isotope. The back also features a broken border design, with two thick bold black diagonal lines that allow for enhanced flourishing.

4th Element release in the Elemental Playing Card line-up
First Isotope release
Printed by USPCC, one-time print run, 1500 – 2500
2-way back design, fully custom deck and tuck
56 cards, classic stock, traditionally cut with air cushion finish
2x joker, duplicate 2 of hearts & 1x isotope ad card
Fulfilled by Gambler’s Warehouse