Genoese Tarot – Deluxe Edition by Elettra Deganello


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The Genoese Tarot – Deluxe Edition is the gilded, luxury-packaged, and limited edition of the Genoese Tarot, printed by Cartamundi with cold foil on the faces and back.

The design marries the elegance of the traditional Genoese 40-card deck with the vivid imagery of the iconic Marseilles tarot and comprises 88 fully custom bridge-sized playing cards: 3 jokers, 1 fool, 21 trumps, 56 suit cards, 6 rule cards, and an additional trump called l’invexendon or “butterfingers”, allowing to play many fun games.

Visit and learn more about traditional Ligurian card games you can play with the Genoese Tarot!

Designed based upon ideas and research from Jean Maillard