Aura playing cards, a 100% custom deck of playing cards, an awesome combination of ideas, patterns, and UV coating. This deck is not only outstanding designs but also the great handling by using the Vintage Stock and the Legendary Finish. That allows you to do your performance well, such as magic tricks, cardistry, card games, or even collection. The Aura playing cards are like an artwork that you are rarely seen before in playing cards.
You can think of an aura as a reflection of your state of being. When it comes to something you love, you can’t hide your feelings of joy. People can feel your passion for it, as a unique aura of you. That’s the inspiration to the Aura playing cards.
We believe that the very thing makes us different is what makes us special. Everyone has their aura that different meanings for them. For us, the strong passion for playing cards is it. We think playing cards appeal to us not only about the cool patterns but also the stories behind. So, we are trying to bring this concept to life with the Aura playing cards.
100% custom deck (52 playing cards & 2 jokers)
Unique artwork on the back and the tuck box with UV Coating
Limited to 500
Only on Kickstarter
Vintage Stock
Legendary Finish
Printed in Taiwan by TWPCC (Taiwan Playing Card Co.)
Distributed by Waltty (Waltty Playing Card Studio)
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