Italia Magica Playing Cards by Giovanni Meroni/Thirdway Industries


  • Same cards of Italia Divina, different tuckbox.
  • USPCC Silver Metalluxe on Backs!
  • Limited Edition, ??? made (probably around 500)
  • Black tuck box with 2 metallic inks
  • Every court card is a female Goddess that represent an Italian city
  • Pip cards include a hints, locations and secrets about Italy
  • Plenty of metallic ink on tuckbox and cards
  • Pure silver ink background on all face cards
  • 56 cards – Include 3 jokers, 1 explanation card
  • Perfect for travel or discover Italy
  • Printed in USA by USPCC

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We ship all our decks in one of our free plastic deck protectors for their safety and your peace of mind!

Orders of 4, 6 or 10 decks will be shipped extra protected, in a Cardware Collector Storage Box for free!


Italia Magica is the fourth, secret deck from Italia Divina Series, about the wonders and the secrets of Italy. Inspired by the secrets and wonders of Italy, Thirdway Industries presents Italia Magica Playing Cards! Designed by the talented Italian artist Giovanni Meroni, every court card is a female Goddess that represents an Italian city.